Association News



Project EverGreen Partners with Christmas Decor

Project EverGreen’s GreenCare for Troops program and Christmas Decor’s Decorated Family Program are teaming up this year in a joint effort to raise money and create awareness for the Buck it Up program. Buck it Up is a fund-raising initiative that creates scholarships for military family members, increases infrastructure to better handle the military families and volunteers participating in GreenCare and enhances the free lawn and landscape services provided.

Families can be nominated for the Decorated Family Program until Thanksgiving 2009 at . During last winter’s holiday season, Christmas Decor decorated almost 100 homes at no charge as part of the program. To learn more about GreenCare for Troops, visit .

ASLA Names 33 Members to Council of Fellows

The American Society of Landscape Architects selected 33 members for induction into its Council of Fellows. The fellows-elect include Glenn A. Acomb, Stuart D. Appel, Karen A. Beck, Dennis E. Bryers, Robert F. Bullard, Kevin B. Cavaioli, Eugene B. Eyerly, Kristina J. Floor, George W. Girvin, Paul H. Gobster, Theresa Guen-Murray, Thomas G. Hawkey, Edmund D. Hollander, Daniel S. Iacofano, Shawn T. Kelly, Niall G. Kirkwood, Paul D. Kissinger, Thomas W. Liptan, William A. Mann, Scott Mehaffey, Rick A. Parisi, James M. Patchett, Rodney D. Robinson, Thomas R. Ryan, Robert Sabbatini, James Peter Shadley, Gary Sorge, Richard K. Sutton, Cleveland Turner III, Susan Van Atta, H. Keith Wagner, Todd Wichman and Christian Zimmerman.

ETS Holds First Field Days

More than 100 people attended the first European Turfgrass Society Field Days in Valencia, Spain. Speakers included S. Baker, Sports Turf Research Institute; Bernd Leinauer, New Mexico State University; and turf breeders Christophe Galbrun and Koos de Bruijn. The next ETS meeting will be an International Conference on Turfgrass, scheduled for April 11-13, 2010, in Angers, France.

News from ANLA

The 2009 American Nursery & Landscape Association Legislative Conference resulted in higher levels of attendance and a new record for congressional office visits by green industry professionals. The event focused on health care, immigration reform, water use regulations, small business issues and market-building opportunities.

Gordon Hobbs, left, and Bob Dolibois, ANLA executive vice president.

The ANLA Senate elected new leaders to the board of directors and division boards. Bob Lyons, Sunleaf Nursery, Madison, Ohio, was named president-elect of the board of directors and will be joined by new members Joseph Schulte and Tom Demaline. The following members were elected to ANLA’s division boards: Philip Statile, Eric Joy, Christian Dulina, Tracy Sides, Larry Becker, Jon Bartch and Mark Sellew.

Tom Courtright has assumed the presidency of ANLA. He is president of Orchard Nursery & Florist, Lafayette, Calif.

Gordon Hobbs, former president and owner of C.M. Hobbs & Sons, was inducted into the ANLA Hall of Fame. Hobbs has served as president of ANLA and its grower division. He has also served as president of the Indianapolis Landscape Association and the Indiana Association of Nurserymen and as secretary-treasurer of the American Nursery Credit Association. Hobbs earned a bachelor’s degree in horticulture and a master’s in plant pathology at Purdue University.


PLANET – Professional Landcare Network
Irrigation Association
International Turfgrass Society
National Institute on Parks & Grounds Mgmt.
Professional Grounds Management Society
Professional Lawn Care Association of America
RISE (Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment)®
Sports Turf Managers Association
Turf & Ornamental Communicators Association
Turfgrass Producers International
Georgia Green Industry Association
Golf Course Mechanics Association
Illinois Turfgrass Foundation
Lawn & Garden Dealers Marketing Association
Michigan Turfgrass Foundation
Midwest Equipment Dealers Association
Midwest Regional Turf Foundation
Missouri Valley Turfgrass Association
National Golf Foundation
New Jersey Turfgrass Association
New York State Turfgrass Association
Northern California Turf & Landscape Council
Ohio Turfgrass Foundation
Pennsylvania Turfgrass Council
Texas Irrigation Association
Texas Turfgrass Association
Turfgrass Council of North Carolina