Build In Time Off This Summer


We know it’s hard to take time away from your company. As the owner or one of the principal workers at your operation, leaving during the busy season of summer may seem out of the question. But it can be done.

Our columnist Steve Rak II has written about this subject several times because, as a business owner himself, he knows the importance of setting up efficient systems so you feel confident leaving the company in others’ hands. In his article titled “Why Getting Out and Enjoying Life is Important,” he describes how people he met in the green industry in Denver spend a lot of time being active outdoors. While they work hard at their business, they also leave time for play. “You have to live for right now and not for someday,” Rak writes. “We all can’t have the Rocky Mountains in our backyards to remind us of that fact, but we can and should consistently look for ways to find that balance between what we do and how we live.”

In another column, Rak outlines the “6 Steps for Taking a Painless Vacation.” From meeting with employees to fixing any outstanding issues, this is a great step-by-step guide for preparing yourself and your staff for you to be out of touch for a while.

Finally, Rak also addresses how hiring the right employees can make the difference in how much time off you get. In “5 Steps to Retaining Top-Notch Employees,” he addresses the need for green industry businesses to become “destination workplaces,” and following through on payroll, among other key ingredients to hanging on to valuable staff. As Rak concludes: “Finding and retaining great employees will not only allow you to grow your company and have great service, it will also allow you to take a vacation and not worry whether or not your company will still be there when you get back.”