Bringing Cold-Damaged Centipede Lawns Back to Health


SURF CITY, N.C. – Charlotte D. Glen, horticulture agent with the Pender County Cooperative Extension of North Carolina State University, offers some excellent advice in the Topsail Advertiser newspaper about how to bring cold-damaged centipede lawns back to health.

She writes that large areas of dead grass in her region of the country where centipede lawns are not uncommon could be the result of cold injury. But cold weather is not the only culprit that could cause these symptoms. Diagnosing the cause of turf damage is the first step in repairing spotty lawns.  

Two symptoms that distinguish damage caused by cold injury rather than insects or disease are: that the damage occurred over the winter – in many cases these lawns appeared healthy and thick last summer and fall but this spring large areas of lawn, sometimes several feet across, never turned green; and the problem is not expanding – the areas that failed to green up this spring are staying the same size, and dead or dying turf is not spreading into healthy, green living grass.

To read the complete article in the Topsail Advertiser, click here.